Items where Division is "Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis" and Year is 2021
Al-Mahbubah, Rif'atul Muzayanah and Nurwakhidah, Ana (2021) THE FRAME OF SHARIA ECONOMIC ON PAYLATER PAYMENT SYSTEM. Universitas Islam Raden Rahmat Malang, Malang.
Al-Mahbubah, Rif'atul Muzayanah and Nurwakhidah, Ana (2021) THE FRAME OF SHARIA ECONOMIC ON PAYLATER PAYMENT SYSTEM. ISLAMICONOMIC: Jurnal Ekonomi Islam, 12 (1). pp. 93-107. ISSN P- ISSN: 2085-3696; E-ISSN: 2541-4127
Helmi, Muhammad and Sari, Niki Puspita (2021) CEK PLAGIASI "Halal responsibilities through Islamic business ethics practices: Implementation of trustworthy and fair values in traditional markets". Taylor & Francis Group.
Helmi, Muhammad and Sari, Niki Puspita (2021) Halal responsibilities through Islamic business ethics practices: Implementation of trustworthy and fair values in traditional markets. In: Halal Development: Trends, Opportunities and Challenges. Taylor & Francis Group, pp. 94-99. ISBN 78-1-032-03830-8
Helmi, Muhammad and Sari, Niki Puspita (2021) IMPLEMENTATION OF THE SYNERGY OF TRANSFORMATIONAL-SERVANT LEADERSHIP CHARACTER IN ISLAMIC BOARDING SCHOOL. Journal of Leadership in Organizations, 3 (2). pp. 173-192. ISSN 2656-8810
Helmi, Muhammad and Sari, Niki Puspita (2021) PEER REVIEW "Halal responsibilities through Islamic business ethics practices: Implementation of trustworthy and fair values in traditional markets". Taylor & Francis Group.
Joko, Hadi Purnomo and Agus, Wahyu Irawan and Niswatin, Nurul Hidayati and Fitrotin, Jamilah and Amir, Ambyah Zakaria and Zulfatun, Anisah and Moh. Agus, Sifa' and Heri, Kuncoro Putro and Moch. Zaenal, Azis Muctharom and Hadi, Nasroh and Fatmah, Fatmah and Ika, Rinawati and Mukhamad, Roni (2021) Sejarah Pemikiran Ekonomi Islam. NIRA MEDIA. ISBN 978-623-6255-07-0
Rinawati, Ika and Azwar Anas, M. Yusuf and M Manan, Yuliyanti (2021) Implementasi Etika Bisnis Islam Dalam Perspektif Manajemen Pemasaran. universitas islam kalimantan. (Unpublished)
Rinawati, Ika and Azwar Anas, M. Yusuf and M Manan, Yuliyanti (2021) Implementasi Etika Bisnis Islam Dalam Perspektif Manajemen Pemasaran. Al Iqtishadiyah, Jurnal Ekonomi Syariah dan Hukum Ekonomi Syariah, 7 (2). ISSN 2442-2282